New Paper in Chembiochem. by the Kuenzler Lab
Promiscuity of Omphalotin A Biosynthetic Enzymes Allows de novo Production of Non-natural Multiply Backbone N-Methylated Peptide Macrocycles in Yeast
Animal-associated marine Acidobacteria with a rich natural product repertoire
A recent ”Chem” paper by the Piel and Sunagawa groups (IMB) in collaboration with the Wakimoto lab at Hokkaido University reveals Acidobacteria, a poorly studied bacterial phylum, as a rich source of bioactive natural products.
Conformations of Macrocyclic Peptides Sampled by NMR: Models for Cell-Permeability
A recent “Journal of the American Chemical Society” paper by the biomolecular NMR platform (BNSP) in collaboration with the Künzler group (Institute of Microbiology) and Prof. Güntert (Inst. Mol. Phys. Wiss., D-CHAB) presents a novel approach to probe conformations and dynamics of peptides.
New PNAS paper by the Hardt Lab
Gasdermin D is the only Gasdermin that provides protection against acute Salmonella gut infection in mice
New joint PLoS Biol. paper
The microbiota conditions a gut milieu that selects for wild-type Salmonella Typhimurium virulence