Environmental genome reconstruction greatly improves microbial taxon profiling tool mOTUs

A collaborative effort, published in Microbiome, between the Sunagawa lab and the Zeller team (EMBL, Heidelberg) resulted in mOTUs3: a taxonomic profiling tool to detect and quantify more than 33,500 prokaryotic species, most of which represent uncultivated microbes from >20 different environments.
New Paper in Journal of Bacteriology by the Hardt Lab

The Mobilizable Plasmid P3 of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium SL1344 Depends on the P2 Plasmid for Conjugative Transfer into a Broad Range of Bacteria In Vitro and In Vivo
Honorary Doctorate of the University of Fribourg conferred on Prof. Federica Sallusto

During its Dies academicus, the University of Fribourg has conferred the title Doctor honoris causa (Dr. h. c.) on Prof. Federica Sallusto in recognition of her outstanding scientific and professional achievements.
New Paper in Curr Opin Microbiol by the Hardt Lab

Studying antibiotic persistence in vivo using the model organism Salmonella Typhimurium
New Paper in Microbiology Spectrum by the Kuenzler Lab

Structural and Functional Analysis of Peptides Derived from KEX2-Processed Repeat Proteins in Agaricomycetes Using Reverse Genetics and Peptidomics