Prof. Antonio Lanzavecchia receives the 2017 Sanofi - Institut Pasteur Award
The award recognizes investigators for past or ongoing work demonstrating real scientific progress in the life sciences. Antonio Lanzavecchia was rewarded for his research on the role of human monoclonal antibodies in the fight against malaria.
New joint paper from the Piel and Vorholt labs.

Toblerols, Cyclopropanol-Containing Modulators of Methylobacterial Antibiosis Generated by an Unusual Polyketide Synthase.
Latsis Prize 2017 awarded to Dr. Emma Wetter Slack

Dr. Emma Wetter Slack receives the 2017 Latsis Prize of ETHZ for pioneering work in the field of bacterial infections, particularly on controlling bacterial kinetics in the intestine.
Dr. Médéric Diard receives the Postdoctoral Award of the Robert Koch Foundation

The Postdoctoral Award for Microbiology goes to Dr. Médéric Diard in recognition of his work on the pathogenesis and ecology of enterobacteria.
Prof. Antonio Lanzavecchia receives the 2017 Robert Koch Award
The Robert Koch Foundation is jointly awarding the 2017 Robert Koch Award to Professors Antonio Lanzavecchia and Rafi Ahmed. The award recognizes the two immunologists’ pioneering research on regulation of immune system and their ground-breaking contributions on the development of new vaccines and immunotherapies.