29.02.2024 | Fabienne's collaborative work with the Zoo Zurich was highlighted in the external page media. Exciting!
10.02.2024 | Anna's paper on mBARq, a tool for the analysis was barcodes sequence data was published in Bioinformatics. Congrats!
01.02.2024 | Kang Li joins the group as a web developer. Welcome!
21.12.2023 | Taylor was awarded a ETH-NOMIS postdoctoral fellowship! Congrats to this great achievement!
15.11.2023 | Martin Sperfeld joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
01.10.2023 | Sandrine Kammerecker joins our group as a lab technician. Welcome!
01.08.2023 | Masha Dmitrijeva joins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
01.07.2023 | Taylor Priest joins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
15.05.2023 | Samuel was awarded a HFSP postdoctoral fellowship! Congrats to this great achievement!
01.04.2023 | SNFS funds our ocean microbiomics activities for the next 4 years!
30.03.2023 | Paoli et al., 2022 was selected among the SIB Remarkable Outputs in 2022. Congrats!
15.03.2023 | Our first retreat after the COVID pandemic took place in Davos. Great memories!
01.03.2023 | Guillem Salazar is promoted to Oberassistent in the group. Congrats!
01.02.2023 | Elisabetta Cacace joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!
01.02.2023 | James O'Brien joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!
05.12.2022 | Hans' and Alessio's work on mOTUs3 was published in Microbiome. Congrats!
18.11.2022 | Shini gave a public talk (BrightTalk) about "Understanding the chemical mediators of ecological interactions" hosted by Cell, iScience, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, and Cell Genomics [external page link].
16.11.2022 | The LOOP Zurich funds mTORUS; a multi-institutional project on microbiome-based Therapeutic Options for Recurrent Urinary Symptoms for 5 years!
03.11.2022 | Shini gave s a public talk about microbes at the ETH Treffpunkt Science City event (German) [external page link].
01.09.2022 | Valentyn Bezshapkin joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome!
01.09.2022 | Andrea Polanco joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!
24.08.2022 | The Weizmann-ETH Bridge Program funds a joint research project (with Michel Flores, WIS) on studying ocean bioaerosols!
01.08.2022 | Samuel Miravet-Verde joins the group as a bioinformatician. Welcome!
01.08.2022 | Nataliia Polishchuck joins the lab to support our wetlab activities. Welcome!
22.06.2022 | Lucas' paper on the biosynthetic potential of the ocean microbiome was published in Nature. Congrats!
16.11.2021 | Shini is listed among the most highly cited researchers [link]. Great job, everyone!
04.11.2021 | Mirjam defended her PhD. Congratulations!
01.09.2021 | Jeremy starts as our new Lab Technician. Welcome!
13.08.2021 | Hans' paper describing bioinformatic protocols on the use of mOTUs was published. Congrats!
13.07.2021 | Guillem and Hans' paper introducing mTAGs, a new tool for taxonomic profiling of 16S rRNA sequences was published in Bioinformatics. Congrats!
06.04.2021 | We started a collaboration with the Zoo Zürich to work on the coral microbiome.
01.04.2021 | Dominic joins our group as a joint PhD student with the Environmental Physics group headed by Nikki Gruber. Welcome!
29.03.2021 | Mirjam's paper on detecting and quantifying phages was published in Microbiome. Congrats!
10.02.2021 | Anemones (Exaiptasia) kindly shared by the Guse Lab arrived today!
01.11.2020 | Alessio joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome!
01.11.2020 | Melanie joins the lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
15.10.2020 | Lucas' perspective on future developments in the field of environmental microbiology was published in Enivronmental Microbiology Reports. Congrats!
01.10.2020 | Shini was promoted to Associate Professor :-)
21.09.2020 | Carine joins the lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
01.09.2020 | Fabienne joins the lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
10.08.2020 | Anna joins the lab as a bioinformatician supporting the NCCR Microbiomes project. Welcome!
20.05.2020 | Joint paper by Miguel with the Hardt group on Salmonella gut colonization was published in Cell Host & Microbe. Congrats!
14.05.2020 | Shini's review about a decade of work by Tara Oceans was published in Nature Reviews Microbiology. Great team effort!
04.05.2020 | Salome joins the lab as a technician. Welcome!
02.03.2020 | Mel joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome!
03.02.2020 | Quentin Clayssen joins the lab as a bioinformatician. Welcome!
15.11.2019 | Two papers, one lead by Guillem, highlighting new results from Tara Oceans were published in Cell. Congrats!
12.08.2019 | Charlotte joins the lab as our lab manager. Welcome!
07.03.2019 | Joint paper with the Zeller lab (EMBL, Heidelberg) was published in Nature Communications. Congrats!
01.10.2018 | Lucas joins the lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
01.02.2018 | Chris joins the institute as a bioinformatician embedded in our lab. Welcome!
01.08.2017 | Hans joins the lab as a bioinformatician and data manager. Welcome!
01.03.2017 | Guillem joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome!
01.11.2016 | Miguel joins the lab as a joint postdoc with the Hardt group. Welcome!
03.10.2016 | Mirjam joins the lab as the first PhD student. Welcome!
01.06.2016 | Hello world! This is the beginning of the Microbiome Research Lab at ETH Zürich.