Prof. em. Dr. Markus Aebi

Prof. em. Dr. Markus Aebi
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Biology
Additional information
Markus Aebi has been full Professor of Mycology, before Associate Professor, in the Institute of Microbiology since April 1st,1998.
His research topics are the glycosylation of proteins, developmental biology of fungi and the application of entomopathogenic fungi in pest control. Markus Aebi is from Wynigen BE and was born on June 28, 1955 in Brugg AG. After attending schools in Brugg and Baden, he studied natural sciences at the ETH Zurich and earned his doctorate under Professor Hütter in the Institute of Microbiology at the ETH Zurich. His dissertation was awarded the ETH silver medal. After receiving his doctoral degree, he transferred in 1983 to the Institute of Molecular Biology I at the University of Zurich (Professor Ch. Weissmann), where he did postgraduate work and later worked as senior assistant. He did research at the California Institute of Technology from 1987 to 1988 and then returned to the Institute of Molecular Biology I at the University of Zurich where he directed a research group as a START fellow of the National Science Foundation.
Prof. Aebi emphasizes the close collaboration of research groups in and outside the ETH as well as on the teaching of modern mycology."