Dr. Valentyn Bezshapkin
Dr. Valentyn Bezshapkin
Student / Programme Doctorate at D-BIOL
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Research area
Bioinformatics, microbiome, data analysis.
2022 - current: Ph.D. student at the Sunagawa Lab, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
2021 - 2022: Research assistant at the Tomasz Lab, Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology UJ (Poland)
2015 - 2021: MD in the Jagiellonian University Medical College (Poland)
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Bacteriophages, or phages, are viral agents that infect bacteria and have been identified as the most prevalent biological entities on Earth. These viruses are recognized as essential regulators of bacterial populations and nutrient cycling in diverse ecosystems. In recent years, bacteriophages have emerged as potential alternatives to antibiotics for treating bacterial infections due to their high specificity and minimal impact on beneficial microbiota.
In my research, I employ state-of-the-art techniques, including metagenomic sequencing and computational approaches such as artificial intelligence, to investigate the functional potential of bacteriophages in the human gut and assess their significance for human health.