Wolfsberg Meeting

37th Meeting of the Swiss Immunology PhD students: August 13 - 15, 2025

The purpose of the Wolfsberg Meeting is to get to know colleagues in the same field, to present her/his own results, to get to know projects at other institutes, to initiate regular exchanges of ideas or even to start collaborations. Usually, 70 PhD students in immunology from all geographical regions of Switzerland and 7 professors from different Swiss Universities participate in the Wolfsberg meeting. With more than 50 oral presentations and almost 20 posters for the first year PhD students the program is very broad and covers various topics in immunology.

Organization and Program

Registered attendees will upload abstracts which will outline the subjects and key-words that will finally form the structure of the meeting. Each participant of the meeting will present her/his Ph.D. project and the experimental results either in form of a poster or a 10 minute talk. One to two senior scientists per University (Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Bellinzona, Zurich) will be present, mainly as chairmen and to participate in the discussions.

The provisional time schedule, which will depend upon the number of participants, is to arrive on Wednesday, August 13, after lunch and to start the seminar the same day in the afternoon. The meeting will close on Friday, August 15, lunch time.

The program will be available for approved attendees at the registration website.


location Wolfsberg meeting 2018

external page Schloss Wolfsberg is a training center of UBS close to Ermatingen (TG) in a forest above the Untersee. It is a remote place in a beautiful environment and provides all the facilities for such a meeting: seminar rooms, accomodations, sport facilities.

Financial Support

The meeting will be sponsored by the Swiss Society for Allergologists and Immunologists (SGAI), FONDATION ACTERIA, UBS, the Universities of Basel, Bern, Geneva and Zurich, the USI/IRB and ETH, which will overtake the costs for meals and accommodation.


The registration for the Wolfsberg Meeting 2025 will be done in two steps. The application opens on May 2, 2025 at 9:00 on this website. The application deadline is May 8, 2025. Approved attendees will receive a link to finalize the registration and upload their abstracts.

Application for the Wolfsberg Meeting 2025

The registration opens May 5, 2025.


We will collect and use your data solely for the purpose of the organization of the Wolfsberg Meetingl and not pass it on to third parties. Please contact us at ilka.riedel[at]micro.biol.ethz.ch for any changes or erasure of the data you submitted via this web form.

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