The Institute

“... a great place to do research ...”
a former institute member

The mission of the Institute of Microbiology is to advance cutting edge research and teaching in microbiology and immunology. Microbial interactions are the unifying scheme and currently cover microbial communities and microbe interactions with eukaryotic hosts.

The Department of Biology provides an ideal home for the Institute of Microbiology in research and teaching. This is complemented by a broad network of research partners and joint research and teaching programs from the ETH, the broader Zurich Area and beyond. The collaborative environment of the Institute of Microbiology has created a unique scientific fertilization ground unsurpassed in breadth, top-level expertise and visibility in the field of Microbiology and Immunology.

Research Topics

The rich and interdisciplinary research topics of the institute are in the center of a wide network of collaborations between the members of the institute and other activities/institutions at ETH Zürich and beyond.